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derived from the Greek roots kryptos (‘hidden’), zoon (‘animal’) and
logos (‘discourse’ or ‘study’), and translates literally as ‘the study of
hidden animals’. Cryptozoology is generally defined as the study of
unexpected animals whose existence or identity is currently
undetermined by science.
Everest PENN
Emerson Everest Penn is an avid outdoorsman with interests in Appalachian folklore, mythology, cryptozoology and the paranormal. A retired US Navy veteran, he is a writer, artist and award-winning woodcarver. Under his M. R. Hooley pen name, he is the author of several rhyming children’s picture books, including 2019’s The Lonely Only Blue Ridge Bigfoot.
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, he earned a BA in Anthropology and an MFA in Creative Writing. In addition to his artistic pursuits, he enjoys camping, hiking and canoeing in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia, where he resides with his wife and a few too many four-legged dependents.